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Join the Brewtime Club & get your tea delivered regularly.

How do I set up a subscription?

It's easy. Head to the Subscribe page on our website. 1) Select Loose Leaf or Proper Tea Bags. It's the same tea, just packed in a different way. Loose Leaf needs a teapot to strain or we have pyramid tea bags as an option, plastic free of course. 2)

Need a hand choosing the perfect subscription?

We've got you. Get inspired... Tea. Decaffeinated. Herbal. Still not sure? Drop us an email [email protected] or give us a call on 0161 872 758. We'll be more than happy to talk tea and guide you through our blends.

How often do you deliver tea?

We have three options to choose from for your frequency. It depends how many cups you get through in a day. Here's a rough idea below:.

Loose Leaf or Tea Bags?

Loose Leaf or Proper Tea Bags?. It's the same tea, just packed in a different way. Loose Leaf needs a teapot to strain or we have pyramid tea bags as an option, plastic free of course. You'll get 500g of tea with Loose Leaf or for Tea Bags, they come